Thursday, March 27, 2008

Country , Breast Size


IVSS Through

"The Venezuelan Institute of Social Security provides high-quality medicines for patients with high-cost and risk," they announced the National Director of Oncology and Blood Banks IVSS , Dr. Marcos Di Stefano, in the context of the acquisition by the Venezuelan state of a new medication for treating iron overload.

The event was the international guest Dr. Maria Domenica Cappellini, MD hematologist State University of Milan, Italy; hematological Pediatrician Dr. Domingo Luciani Hospital IVSS, Dr. Clementina Landolfi; President of Venezuelan Society of Hematology, Dr. Iza Miuller, with Dr. Di Stefano Social Security.

Dr. Maria Capellini, said that iron overload is a disease that occurs in patients who undergo constant blood transfusions or who have diseases such as Thalassemia , Drepanositosis, Sickle Cell anemia, bone marrow failure syndromes and myelodysplastic syndromes, among others, which produce the non-absorption of iron in the blood.

"Iron is vital for the proper functioning of the human body, however, in large quantities can cause severe liver problems, heart and endocrine glands. Importantly, the body can not by itself, eliminate this overhead, so you need drugs to achieve this purpose, "he said.

This overload of iron has no specific symptoms for the person who the disorder, until it reaches a critical condition that can cause liver cirrhosis or liver tumors, and severe cardiac decompensation.

said that earlier the treatment was applied subcutaneously, but now it was oral, which ensures a better quality of life for patients. "Venezuelan authorities have taken this medication under the importance of controlling iron overload, as a preventive for other diseases associated with this disease."

"The Venezuelan state, through the IVSS, has taken this drug for patients suffering from this dangerous disease and is available to people hospital pharmacy Domingo Luciani, once to bring their media, such as the information about the drug, medical reports and the recipes which the attending physician prescribes, "said Dr. Di Stefano.

This drug has an estimated cost of 2,000 Bolivars, depending on the concentration is prescribed to the patient and the daily dose to take. It is worth noting that many are using this medication for life or for very long times, depending on the amount of iron present the person in the blood.

For his part, Dr. Landolfi indicated that the quantification of ferritin in the blood can make the diagnosis of this condition and this time clearly provide targeted treatment to persons exposed to blood transfusions or those that do not process this mineral naturally. "In Venezuela there are about 1500 or more children with drepanositosis, hence the importance of simplicity of this product, to provide a better quality of life to these small," he said.



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