Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Microsoft Usb Camera Sterowniki

Taming The 3 Stooges II (the saga continues)

- Hello Carlos? Do you still believe that the previous posting on the Banco Santander was a joke? Accompany to the bank and I show it's true. I just sent another promissory note, "I say to a friend by office intercom.
- Come on, "he replies enthusiastically.
As we walked, I show an authorization signed by me as Legal Representative of my company giving me power to remove it myself. The power came printed on a sheet with the logo newly invented by me and with the fingerprint of my thumb next to the signature.
- This is stupid. How do you think that the Bank will to receive this?
- You'll see. But there's more. I asked to sign and put my fingerprint to verify that tell me who I am. I bet you a coffee to get another sign and fingerprint of one finger and not realize it.
- Done, "I responded with the certainty of having already won.
I get to the bank and Treasury ask me power. I explain that it seems weird that I do a power to me. At the insistence, I say that I have one in my briefcase, but I'm still considering is irrational.
- Come on letterhead Company and with bell?
- Letterhead, yes, but we do not use ring but the fingerprint for security. Do not see that anyone can send make a ringtone.
- great! - Says with a sincere and positive surprise. "Go to the row and it will cash.
had 43 people before us and only one cashier taking who are not customers of the bank (branch Conception, on the Plaza de Armas, today November 2 at 12.20 hours). Before our turn (1 hour and 23 minutes later), I ask my friend what finger you put your fingerprint.
Ha ... I would say to "the middle" but will force you to do it with your thumb.
When I pass the bill, placed a poor imitation of my signature (clearly different from my card and power) and when I said that I stamp my fingerprint ... use "the middle finger." Obviously, with the strict controls of Banco Santander, give me no problem.
(Now I'm going to drink coffee, so the story will continue).
No two projects are alike, but the experience allows testers to find simple ways to solve problems that may occur as a complex. For example, to measure profitability of an investment is using any of the asset valuation methods to calculate the scrap value, you should use the recovery of working capital to be part of the property to have the project. Like everything that is invested is recovered, the effect of an error in your estimate of the cost is negligible (only the effect of time value of money). However, when preparing a business plan, its calculation deserves the utmost precision, because if it determines a value insufficient to buy all inputs required, the project can not be completed or sell the product.
In other words, it is unnecessary to require a feasibility study conditions other than those relevant for the purpose of measuring the profitability , but you should demand greater accuracy to build the business plan and implementation schedule .


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