Monday, November 22, 2010

Salieri New Movies 2010

Time goes by ... we're getting old shoes

- my love Tell me how I was in Guayaquil ? - I kindly ask my wife when I will look on Friday at the airport.
- Super well. As always. In Ecuador I was treated better than in Chile, except yours, of course. Note that I met a former student who studied in Chile and I got a coffee with my good Fernando Romero friend.
- How nice ... but I noticed something weird happened "? - Tells me worried.
- Nooo ... I'm just confused. Note that vi , as in Chile, military cadets each year are small children and graduate students more youngsters.
- How can you be so stupid! - He responds. "They are of the same age, you're the one who is older.
are many variables which determine the degree of risk tolerance on an investment: the personality of the entrepreneur, the time horizon investment, availability of human resources, physical and financial and even the age of who decides.
Generally, the young investors take more risks just for working with long time horizons. Therefore, we must accept that risk tolerance changes over time, forcing reassess the risk of the project that vary the circumstances that determined in the first instance.
Project risk may not change, but the aversion or willingness to assume they do, for example, with age.


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