Sunday, April 4, 2010

Interlux Paint On Car

- And how is Peter? - I asked a coworker who told me they had met in a meeting.
"Keep as usual. He speaks and speaks of himself, of how successful he is, his new car and how we admire the people ... and not allowed to speak or listen to the rest. If it appears he had verbal incontinence.
"Too bad it remains so. If you know anything about marketing , know that if someone says that your granddaughter is beautiful no one believes him (for all the grandparents say the same thing), but if he says another, has more credibility .
Although the message is true and advertising the right intention, the more effective positive impact is achieved when others confirm. For example, having satisfied customers can better influence the business success of expensive advertising campaigns because they are external transmitters opinion. After the earthquake in Chile saw more than ever, full-page advertisements in the press, which cost millions of dollars, companies adhering to the victims and that made many think they were more trying promoted to help.
formulating a project does not necessarily to approve the budget of a conspicuous notice advertising, but to be able to determine whether there is a more effective option to achieve the objective which divert those resources.


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