Saturday, April 23, 2011

Puppy Abuse How Can U Tell


Dear Brothers and Sisters
Tonight we joined in faith to Jesus in the course of the last leg of his earthly journey, the most painful of Calvary. We heard the roar of the crowd, the words condemned, the mockery of the soldiers, tears of the Virgin Mary and women. Now we are immersed in the silence of the night, in the silence of the cross, in the silence of death. It is a silence that carries the weight of the sorrow of man rejected, oppressed and suppressed, and the weight of sin which disfigures the face, the weight of evil. Tonight we have revived, in the depths of our heart, the drama of Jesus, full of suffering, evil and sin of man.
What is now before our eyes? Is a crucifix, a high cross on Golgotha, a cross appears to mark the defeat of one who had brought to light who was plunged into darkness, the One que había hablado de la fuerza del perdón y de la misericordia, que había invitado a creer en el amor infinito de Dios por cada persona humana. Despreciado y rechazado por los hombres, está ante nosotros el "Varón de dolores, acostumbrado a sufrimientos, despreciado y evitado de los hombres, ante el cual se ocultaban los rostros" (Isaías 53, 3).
Pero miremos bien a este hombre crucificado entre la tierra y el cielo, contemplémosle con una mirada más profunda, y descubriremos que la Cruz no es el signo de la victoria de la muerte, del pecado y del mal, sino el signo luminoso del amor, más aún, de la inmensidad del amor de Dios, de aquello que jamás habríamos podido pedir, imaginar o esperar: God has bowed to us, has come down until the darkest corner of our lives to reach out and stand up to him, to bring to him. Cross speaks of faith in the power of this love, invites us to believe that in every situation of life, history, world, God is able to overcome death, sin, evil, and give us a new life, resurrected. In death by crucifixion of the Son of God is the seed of a new hope of life, like the grain that dies in the ground.
On this night full of silence, full of hope echo the invitation that God leads us through the words of St. Augustine: "Have faith. You shall come to me and savor the properties of my table, and I have not rejected the evils enjoy yours ... I have promised you life ... In anticipation, I have given my death, as you say, 'Look, I invite you to participate in my life ... A life where no one dies, a truly happy life, where food is not lost, repair forces and never runs out. See what I invite you ... friendship with the Father and the Holy Spirit, the eternal supper, to be brothers of mine ... to participate in my life '"(cf. the Sermon 231, 5).
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus crucified and ask in prayer: Light, Lord, our hearts, so we can follow the way of the Cross make us die in the "man old ", tied to selfishness, evil, sin and make us" new men ", holy men and women, transformed and inspired by your love.
© Libreria Editrice Vaticana

* Benedict XVI speech at the end Via Crucis at the Colosseum.


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