Sunday, April 24, 2011

Veet Brazilian Strips


After accompanying the Blessed Virgin in a meditative silence after holding the offices of the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ on Good Friday afternoon, on the afternoon of Holy Saturday, the Brothers of the Society of Christ Priest and Queen Mary were arranged to celebrate the solemn Easter Vigil. At 21 hours of the night kicked off the beautiful celebration.

The office of the Saturday night consists of three parts: 1) The announcement of the Resurrection, with the blessing of fire and candle, the solemn procession Angelica singing or Easter Proclamation. 2) The baptismal liturgy with the lessons of Scripture, the singing of the Litany and the renewal of baptismal promises. 3) The Mass, the new Paschal sacrifice, with the short Lauds.

The blessing of fire and candle is made in the vestibule of the church. The priest takes the purple cope. The prayer of blessing of fire calls for the grace of our souls inflamed in heavenly desires in these Easter celebrations with pure souls can get to the festival of everlasting light. Then the priest marks the candle on the sign of the cross, the Alpha and the Omega, the number this year and put five grains of incense in memory of the glorious wounds of the Lord. After blessing the candle, the priest is coated with white Dalmatian and enters the church. During the procession sings three times at progressively higher tone "Lumen Christi" to which the faithful respond "Deo Gratias" .

The first "Lumen Christi" is sung by the priest only with the candle, in the second turn on their faithful ministers after the third all the faithful light their candles. The explanation is as follows: at first, Christ, light of the world, enlighten the apostles, second to the disciples and, finally, to all peoples, he "Lumen Gentium"

The priest then place the candle in its candlestick-it incenses and goes to the lectern to sing the Easter proclamation .

The faithful, standing, with its lighted candles continue their missals Angelica singing.

The singer in front of the candle, his back to the epistle side, singing lessons. The priest and the faithful sat listening. L as readings of the Vigil are: 1) creation (Gen 1.1 to 2.2) 2) The deliverance from Egypt (Exodus 14, 24 to 15.1) 3) The presence of God in the midst of Zion (Isaiah 4, 2-6) 4) The call of Moses before entering the Promised Land (Deut 31, 22-30).

Following the lessons, the singing of the tract and the priest recites a prayer in spiritual and typological relationship with the text. Completed
lessons now start the singing of the Litany of the Saints, during which the priest and the faithful still kneeling. Omitted

our blessing Vigil water for not baptismal font, the priest invited the faithful to renew vernacular-Lent-ended promises of holy baptism. Then the priest over the church sprinkles the faithful with holy water and begins the second part of the Litany of the Saints.

Ministers retire to the sacristy to have everything for the celebration of Holy Mass. The liturgy of the Mass of the vigil has the following characteristics: Deleted the preparatory prayers before the altar, the priest begins Mass incense the altar. During the singing of Gloria bells are rung. Not sung the Creed nor is there Offertory Antiphon, neither sings the Agnus Dei. The fee has parts own for the octave of Easter. The Communion Antiphon is replaced by the triple Alleluia and a psalm and, after the purification, the priest intones the Antiphon to the Benedictus.

The paschal candle has been painted by our Missionary Sisters of the fraternity.

The altar was decorated for the Solemn Vigil with beautiful flowers to show the joy of Easter and placed in a small size baroque altarpiece of the Risen Christ.


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